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Katas and traditional bunkais from black belt 2 and 3 Dan FFKDA

This application was designed by Daniel CERON, karate teacher Shito-Ryu 7th dan student of Master Hidetoshi NAKAHASHI, graduate DESCHI UCHI state of Master Mabuni. and developed by Jean-Claude BLOT, 1st DAN SHOTOKAN. It was realized to accompany karatekas for obtaining their different belts.USING THIS APP LETS YOU:- To perfect your Katas.- To implement the Katas with Bunkais.- In view your displacements in space thanks to the arrow directions.- To zoom in at any time on every detail of positions.- To find the name of the position or technique.- To view the complete Kata through a reader.THE KATAS IN THIS APPLICATION:Black belt 2 DAN katas :- 1. Jion- 2. Wanshu- 3. Bassai Dai- 4. Seienchin- 5. Kosokun DaiBlack belt 3 DAN katas :- 1. Bassai Sho- 2. Chinto- 3. Jitte- 4. Naifanchin Nidan- 5. Kosokun ShoKATAS PERFORMED BY DANIEL CERON: http://www.danielceron.frConfigured to target Android 11 (API level 30). Allow users to benefit from significant improvements in security and performance.Update of Developer, Contact and Facebook site links.